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Week of Events
Holy Eucharist Rite I
Holy Eucharist
Christian Formation
Holy Eucharist
Magnolia Homeowner’s Assoc.
Youth Group
St. Gregory Rehearsal
Holy Eucharist
Morning Eucharist
Lower School Chapel
EDS Admin Communication Mtg.
2nd – 4th Grade Chapel
WAGS Game Nights
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Wednesdays at Good Shepherd kicks off with Bingo night! Come eat dinner, play games, spend time with old friends and new, and maybe win a prize! Sign up and pay here: https://onrealm.org/goodshepherdaugusta/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NmJjNWIxYWQtOGJjMy00ODA4LWFjMzgtYjFkYjAwZWY4ZTU1 Dinner: 6 pm, Bingo: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm $6 (ages 11 +), $4 children ages 4-10, children 3 and under eat free. […]
Choir Rehearsal
Suzuki Strings Recital
Pet Blessing
Blessing of the Animals
Blessing of the Animals
Bring your furry, feathered, or scaled friend for a drop-in pet blessing on the church lawn! The COGS clergy, including our new rector, will be blessing pets on Saturday, October 5: 10 am - 12 pm. Pet treats provided. We are taking donations for DNA - Dog (and cat) Networking Agents. They need puppy pads, […]