“It is through total and unmitigated powerlessness that God shows us divine mercy. The Radical, divine choice is the choice to reveal glory, beauty, truth, peace, joy and most of all love in the through the complete divestment of power.” (Henri Nouwen, Finding My Way Home, 33)
I once read that Jesus and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are saying the same thing but with different vocabulary:
We suffer to get well. We surrender to win. We die to live. We give it away to keep it.
I cannot understand my own behavior. I fail to carry out the very things I want to do and find myself doing the very things I hate . . . for although the will to do what is good is in me, the performance is not. (Romans 7:15, 18)
The Bible does reflect a lot about powerlessness, but it emphasizes more on the spiritual side than the physical – poor in spirit, spiritual poverty, spiritual weakness, etc. This is because man and women are living beings that derive their existence and power from the Spirit of God. Man is powerless without God. (Job 32:8 33:4)
– Rohe Kuhar, EFM Year Two