Saturday, the Third Week of Lent – Carol B.

A Glorious Throne

I don’t picture Jesus on the cross or on a throne, but wherever we see Him I believe He is with the Father and with us.  He is available to each of us as we run the race of life.  That race is different for everyone, but all our races require perseverance.  The race may at times seem too difficult, impossible, to complete, but with God all things are possible.  Sometimes we are placing hurdles in our own way making the race more difficult than necessary.  That’s when we need to pray.  God can remove those hurdles and run the race by our side.  Your brothers and sisters in Christ can also run with us making the way easier and brighter until we reach the ultimate finish line- eternal life in Christ.

Father, we commend to your faithful love those who are crying from the depths; help them to watch and pray through their time of darkness, in sure hope of the dawn of your forgiveness and redemption; through Jesus Christ our Lord.*

Let us commend the world for which Christ died to the protection and mercy of God. [Services and Prayers for the Church of England]


– Carol Bennet, EFM, Year 4

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