Thursday, the Fifth Week of Lent – Neal

The Bible is full of earth-shaking stories.  There was the great flood experienced by Noah, the parting of the Red Sea by Moses, Peter at the transfiguration, Jesus walking on water, and Paul on the road to Damascus, just to name a few.   The scripture discussed in today’s reflection does not fall into that category, but in some ways this passage, and the story of the road to Emmaus, is more powerful than a supernatural event.  This story illustrates that Christ lives with us and within us, yet (like the travelers on the road to Emmaus) he is unrecognized by us.  Sometimes we experience Christ with the most unexpected people, at the most unlikely places, under the most routine of circumstances.     We do not have to experience miracles to feel Christ with us or to pass along to others the love Christ has for us.  We just need to be open to his presence and spirit.  The love of Christ can be experienced and passed on to others through a kind greeting, a word of thanks and appreciation, an apology for a wrong committed, just listening to the needs of a friend, or other simple gestures of kindness, selflessness, and humility.  
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Open our hearts and minds to your love and give us the grace to be your disciple and share this love with others.
– Neal Dickert, EFM Alumnus

One response to “Thursday, the Fifth Week of Lent – Neal”

  1. Bob Brown says:

    Thanks for your reflection and more so for your example in your walk with Jesus .