Thursday, the Second Week of Lent – Katie

A dear friend is a self-described agnostic but is the most charitable and giving person I know.  When trying to reconcile these two factors in my head, a Bible study teacher once referenced this passage;  “Feed my lambs…Tend my sheep.”  
I thought about the time I have spent in studying and learning the Bible and the strength and comfort I find personally in my faith but am I “feeding the lambs” and “tending the sheep?”  I am not.  
As we teach our children, actions speak louder than words and all we are asked to do is to love one another, treat one as you would like to be treated, give generously without a grudging heart, defend the weak and on and on.  When we serve with kindness and love we honor the Lord; when we ignore or mistreat others we disregard what is asked of us by Jesus.  
Remember, three times Peter denied Jesus and three times Jesus will ask Peter to confess his faith.  Our Father continues to point us in the right direction, forgiving our missteps and redirecting us to his mission of love and service for others which is truly serving God. 
– Katie Jones, EFM Alumna

3 responses to “Thursday, the Second Week of Lent – Katie”

  1. Andrew Austin says:

    Humbling and enlightening; thank you Katie.

  2. Bob Brown says:

    I too have friends, neighbors, and relatives like your dear friend .
    I pray that God will redirect me when I falter and that I respond to His direction !
    Thank you

  3. Gregory Smith says:

    When we serve with kindness and love we honor the Lord.”

    That says it all!

    Thank you.